Facade as generator: that is, starting with a facade and working back to a floor plan instead of the opposite, more traditional, fashion.  Here, a scored plaster exterior references brick construction, with radiating joints at the circular window and jack arches over the rectangular side windows.  A tall pyramidal skylight centers the whole.
Another facade, this time actual brick with rounded corners, simple square double-hung windows under jack arches with thin metal overhangs and stone shoulders at the inset front door.  The plan suggests a small linear courtyard at the center.
This circular rotunda has a few things going on in plan that a section won’t illustrate.  But not to mind, for the section shows enough of its own intrigue.  The dome is cut, making it shallow at the center than the ends.  A large skylight sits above, illustrated here as a small tempietto, a room beyond a room, above which the skylight proper is positioned.