Most of the time, the drawings I post on frame are more complete, polished, and thought out.  Often, they are the reworking of previous ideas, or different ways of representing an already designed form.  But that is not to say that I never do quicker, rougher, sketches.  Indeed, often these early sketches lie buried underneath more ‘finished’ drawings.  But today, I thought I’d share a few nascient ideas before they got worked through:

The top drawing began two discussions of halls-and-hearths (here and here); the below sketches reflect some agricultural forms I encountered on a long road-trip; a small cubic ‘house’ with a telescoping tower; another small cubic structure, with a large spire and a funky base condition; and a constructed mesa, a futile and humble attempt to capture the grandeur of those immense landforms (and not wholly unalike Hans Hollein’s landscrapers).