Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA


2011 – 2018

A new courthouse and federal building in an historic Southern city takes on the form of a large cubic brick volume, while a monumental portico and Doric entry pavilion along the northerly facade offer contrast in scale to the grand tower beyond. Security is provided at the entry pavilion, while elevator lobbies and courtroom waiting rooms flank the full-height atrium within the tower. Completed while at HBRA Architects.

Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA
Coleman Architecture Long Beach CA